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  • willhh55

Byzanthian Neckbeard Minaton- Review

2 years late to the party on this one, but hey better late then never. For my second review on this site, I thought why not do a band from our local scene here in the Channel Islands. Byzanthian Neckbeard. Hailing from the Island of Guernsey. Everyone in our local scene, here in jersey knows that I absolutely love this band. They are my favourite band. I heard them for the first time at Chaos 14, back in 2018. I thought the band name sounded cool so I decided to give them a listen. I was not prepared for what I was about to hear. Providing I was pretty drunk by that stage. Being a complete lightweight and day drinking doesn't go very well together. But damn what a show, I was completely blown apart by the sheer brutality of the band. I knew I needed to hear more of it. I instantly looked them up on Bandcamp as I had seen that they had one album out. From The Clutches of Oblivion. I got home from a weekend of booze and partying and listened to it. Brilliant album and if you haven't listened to it then I would advise you to stop reading this and go listen to it. They then released Extinction, in 2019 which is a EP ,again it is another complete masterpiece. It wasn't till November 2019 where they released their 2nd album, Minaton. Of course being a fan I was super excited for there new album. I instantly pre-ordered the album as I had to own a physical copy of the album. What an album. It rips. That is a technical term. The album starts off with The Tale Of Raymond. This is setting the mood for the album and does a very good job with it. You can already tell your in for a treat. We then get into the good stuff with the 2nd track of the album The Werespider. You can tell the whole album is going to be full of riffs which might just melt your face off . This band means serious business. If you don't have the sensation that you just want to break absolutely everything around you and almost break your neck because your headbanging that hard, then you must be doing something wrong. They do a good mixture of slow, doomy, sludgy riffs . It's the sort of album that you listen to from start to finish and you don't get bored a single second. I couldn't even tell you what is my favourite song, as they are all so good. The album was record, mixed and mastered by Mikey Ferbrache at Apocalypse Studios. Byzanthian Neckbeard consists of Dano Robillard on bass, Phil Skyrme on vocals and Paul Etasse on drums. I'll put a few links down below so that you can check their stuff out on Bandcamp.

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Looking forward to the next time I can get over to Guernsey and watch you guys.

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